Restorations Without a Trace When the Work is Done

A newly-constructed EIFS stucco application can add a measure of elegance to any building. Crisp, clean, colourful, textured – all terms that are both accurate and appealing to the eyes of the beholder.

Unfortunately, there can be circumstances or situations that will tarnish the visual appeal of EIFS stucco and/or impact its functionality. As a result, a complete or partial restoration will likely be needed to revitalize the appearance of the wall or re-establish its effectiveness.

Such detrimental factors might include:

  • Poor installation
  • Structural shifting
  • Major weather damage
  • Acts of malice/vandalism
  • Finish applied at cold temperatures

When an issue is either suspected or evident with a stucco wall, property owners can rely on the experts from Dream House Stucco to provide the following services:

  • An accurate assessment of the extent of the damage
  • Recommended options/courses of action to restore the wall
  • Professional restoration to renew its appearance and function

Stucco restorations require much more attention to detail than just addressing the obvious or observable damage.

Dream House Stucco crews understand the importance of leaving no trace that any restorative work was performed, and will therefore customarily refurbish large sections of the wall, or the entire wall itself, as follows:

  • From end to end
  • Between control joints/aesthetic reveals, or
  • From a control joint/aesthetic reveal to a corner

In order to properly complete your restoration, Dream House Stucco will address the affected section in a manner similar to a new EIFS stucco application:

  • Installing new foam insulation
  • Applying a fresh basecoat to the insulation
  • Reinforcing the area with new fiberglass mesh
  • Adding another thick basecoat and a finishing coat
  • Note: appropriate drying time is required after each step

If you suspect or have observed that your EIFS stucco wall has been damaged or rendered less effective and may be in need of extensive restoration, call the specialists at Dream House Stucco today at 647 702 6262 to schedule an on-site inspection.

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