Quality Workmanship from Dream House Stucco

At Dream House Stucco, we fundamentally believe that what lies behind the exterior surface of a wall is just as important, and requires as much if not more attention, as its outer exposure as well. When you choose Dream House Stucco as your contractor, you can rest assured that your project will receive an appropriate amount of focus in relation to:

  • Aesthetics, or curb appeal, and
  • Technical properties/installation

The quality workmanship invested in all Dream House Stucco projects from top to bottom, or perhaps more accurately from back to front, will ultimately generate an immediate appeal as well as long-term benefits such as:

  • Durability
  • Thermal efficiency
  • Moisture protection
  • Ease of maintenance

In some instances, contractors will ask for a down payment from their customers before any work can begin.  Additionally, depending on the estimated duration of a project, a mid-term payment is stipulated in the contract, followed by the outstanding balance upon completion.

While this is becoming a standard business practice in some circles, it can be disconcerting for customers when they are required to pay as much as 25 to 30% upfront then wait a few weeks before they see any return at all on their investment.  If an interim payment is also required, as much as 50 to 60% of the agreed-upon amount could be paid before customers have an opportunity to assess the quality and/or functionality of their new venture or asset.

Dream House Stucco insists that a job must be done properly, in completely satisfactory fashion, before any payment is required.

We feel that we must earn the right to accept your payment, therefore, when you choose Dream House Stucco to be your contractor, you can expect the following:

  • No down payment will be requested before our crews begin your project
  • No interim payments will be required regardless of the length of your project
  • No payment will be required at all if you are not fully satisfied with our work

We are confident in our expertise and abilities to deliver superior quality workmanship, and confident that you will be satisfied to the utmost degree.

Call Dream House Stucco  today at 647 702 6262 to discuss how we can deliver an aesthetically-pleasing and technically sound design to your complete satisfaction.

Ordinary Company Extraordinary Work !
We Provide Services Entire Ontario !